The 2nd place i would like to travel to is Africa I would like to take some wilderness pictures of the plains and all the different animals. Africa has many different lands, it has plains and jungle with many creatures and bugs. Also the jungles are dangerous so i will need a tour guide to help with where I am going, but my grandpa wants to take me on a trip to either Africa or Mexico.
This is why my 3rd place to travel to is Mexico, its a crazy place from what I have heard. But I have seen some of the resorts and pictures of Mexico and it is beautiful. It looks like a fun place to travel to, and my grandpa has pictures of the golf resorts and they have alligators on them and lizards it is a pretty interesting place.
My 4th place i would like to travel to is Alaska, one of my close friends moved there and he works on the crab boats i would like to go visit him sometime and have him tour me around. I think that if I am able to get out there it will be a fun trip cause the food is good and i will be able to shoot some amazing photos and see some really unique wilderness.
My 5th place to travel to is New York, I know it is a huge city and there is many unique things about the state. But I wanna see what it has to offer one day. I hope that my dream to visit actually happens cause I know that i would have a blast with all the commotion and the frequent go go go and how the city never really stops. It would be really amazing.