Thursday, November 20, 2008

Aperture #2

1. Give 3 reasons/scenarios why you would need to use a Wide Aperture(F3.5)
  • If you are taking a photo and want the background to be out of focus.
  • If you want to expose the photo to more light opening the aperture will allow that.
  • If you need to capture a motion image you want a quicker shutter and wider aperture.
2. Give 3 reasons/scenarios why you would need to use a Small Aperture (F22)
  • When capturing a photo that you want the back and foreground to be in focus.
  • When using a smaller aperture the shutter is slower, but allows for more shadows.
  • When shooting in well-lighted areas a small aperture will help you snap a more detailed photo.
3. When using a slow shutter speed in a low light situation, list two ways to prevent your pictures from having a motion blur due to a shaky camera.
  • When shooting in low light situations using tri-pod helps lower the risk of a shaky hand, when you have a slow shutter speed.
  • If you use a flash in a low light situation it helps catch more light which will minimize the risk of motion blur.

f/5 - 1/200
f/11 - 1/60
f/32 - 1/8
f/5 - 1/1600
f/11 - 1/320
f/32 - 1/30
f/5.6 - 1/640
f/13 - 1/200
f/32 - 1/30

Aperture #1

f/3.5 - 1/2000
f/11 - 1/200
f/22 - 1/60

Thursday, November 13, 2008


1. Define Aperture. Feature of a camera that allows more or less light to enter the camera.
2. Define Depth of field. When you have a big aperture it lowers your depth of field "focus", When you have a small aperture you have more depth of field "focus".
3. What did you notice about the change in shutter speed as you controlled the Aperture?
The bigger the aperture the faster the shutter will shoot, the smaller the aperture the faster the shutter will shoot.
4. An Aperture of F22 is a small aperture? (big or small)
5. An Aperture of F3.5 is a big aperture? (big or small)
6. Explain which size aperture you might use if you're shooting a group of people that are at different distances from you? Keep in mind that you are trying to keep them ALL in focus. Why? You would want to use a smaller aperture to allow more focus on your subjects.
7. Expain which size aperture you might use if you're shooting a group of people, but you are focusing on only one subject? Why? You would want to have a bigger aperture to allow more light in which will limit your depth of field.


Friday, November 7, 2008

night to day

  1. 10
  2. allowed enough light to bring all the light out from dark to bright and shadows

catching movement

  1. 1/25
  2. this speed allowed the motion to show without letting to much light take over the picture.

light painting

  1. 1.8
  2. this speed allowed all the light glow, and stream across the road