Tuesday, August 26, 2008

small personal biography

I'm Andrew Myatt, I am from Fresno California, i have lived here almost all my life except for the past 2 years, now i am back in Fresno for good. For 2 years i lived in Lafayette, Louisiana it isn't to big of a city its similar to Fresno's size but the culture is totally different. i liked most of the people i met over the time i was there but it was not the place for me the lifestyle was more mellow paced and i like a faster paced life where you can always be busy and keep stuff off your mind. well now I'm back in Fresno i have started school at Clovis east and I'm a senior this year, and cant wait till i graduate high school I've worked so hard for all these years. well some of my hobbies in life are photography which i also see as an art form and career soon to come, and i skateboard which i also see as an art. and thats most everything about myself at this very moment, maybe there will be more to come later.

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